Молодежный обмен, в котором приняли участие члены молодежных клубов Центра политологических исследований, прошел в живописной горной части Кипра - местечке под названием Агрос.
Вернувшись на родину с новыми силами и средиземноморским загаром, ребята собрались активно готовить День Европы в Донецке! Первая часть их видео-отчета о пребывании на Кипре и описание проекта доступны ниже:
Вернувшись на родину с новыми силами и средиземноморским загаром, ребята собрались активно готовить День Европы в Донецке! Первая часть их видео-отчета о пребывании на Кипре и описание проекта доступны ниже:
'Play for your culture' is an Action 3 Youth Exchange between six promoters, taking place in Agros, in Pitsilia region, Cyprus. Groups of 5 young people from Poland, Italy, Cyprus, Georgia, Armenia and Ukraine spent the time exploring cultural traditions and values, and how these are related to EU identity and enlargement, through the medium of sport and other informal learning activities.
The strength of the youth exchange is its diversity through the mix of countries represented: three from the EU and three contrasting countries working towards accession. This enabled us to work towards a number of objectives: fostering mutual understanding, promoting tolerance, cultivating European identity; as well as promoting healthy lifestyles and creativity through the sport / game elements of the exchange.
Inclusion also played a part, as participants learned how to adapt games to include disabled participants and participants with differing skills and abilities. Finally, we aimed for the youth exchange to be a stepping stone to lasting European cooperation - both between the youth organisations involved in this exchange and through the results of relationships built between thirty young people across six diverse countries.
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